Keep track of your filter changes with this Free app. Simply select your type of filter and the app will remind you when it needs changing. No more guessing “when was the last time I changed the filter?” The app will do the work for you. Very simple, very convenient.
Furthermore the app shows you where to shop online for replacement filters or helps you find your nearest stockist with a list of retailers in the UK and a link to the Aqua Optima worldwide distributors’ page for availability in other countries.
Suitable for
- Aqua Optima filter
- Aqua Optima Evolve filter
- Aqua Optima Anti-bacteria filter
- 30 day filter life
- 60 day filter life
- 90 day filter life
This is the full version and it is ad free - your benefit for drinking Aqua Optima filtered water.
此外,该应用程序会向您显示在线购买更换过滤器的位置,或帮助您找到最近的库存商,其中包含英国零售商列表以及指向其他国家/地区的Aqua Optima全球经销商页面的链接。
- Aqua Optima过滤器
- Aqua Optima Evolve过滤器
- Aqua Optima抗菌过滤器
- 30天过滤器寿命
- 60天的过滤器寿命
- 90天过滤器寿命
这是完整版本,它是免费的 - 您饮用Aqua Optima过滤水的好处。